The Flames Encounter


Join Victor Maurice and The Vibe Tribe Worship Alongside Many other anointed Gospel Ministers in A Night Of Worship Experience Marking the 10th Edition of Flames🔥 Prayers!

December 2019 Victor Maurice and About 7 persons Started a virtual Payer Positioned to stand in the gap periodically raising a voice for the body of Christ unto Kingdom advancement!
By The mercies of God Flames 🔥 has grown into a force in the body of Christ with over 200 members, consisting of Saints from all around the world praying consistently to the end that the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of Our Christ!
With So Many Testimonies, Miracles and Transformations God has Used What Was Just A little Prayer Gathering to Prove Himself Mighty In the Midst of His People.

Pray And Plan To Join Us in Worship As We Raise A Voice of Gratitude to the audience of Our CHRIST KING JESUS

HEB 1:7

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